Sorry it's been so long since we've updated the blog, but it's been a busy couple of weeks.
Since last time we've packed up our home in Milton FL, moved into our new home in Enid OK, and unpacked and situated all of our stuff; along with a bunch of in-processing stuff that had to get taken care of. A lot of things have happened while getting from there to here, such as wearing the wrong color shirt in Mississippi and getting offered drugs, blown tires, mysteriously-vanishing-churches, and bad movers with slippery hands who tend to drop things!
Before we left Florida we contacted the housing office here at Vance AFB in order to see how long we would have to wait before we could get into a house. They told us that there were lots of homes available and that we should have no problem getting into a house right away. Excellent, right? Well, when we actually got here they changed their tune and said that we would probably have to wait as long as 3 weeks to a month before we could get into a home, which meant that we would have to live in a 1 room hotel room for that period of time. Well it didn't take long before we noticed that CJ was having a pretty rough time in that situation. The daily temperatures were well over 100 degrees (sometimes 112 ish), way too hot for CJ to play around outside, and the small quarters of the VOQ (our hotel room, or visiting officers quarters) were not conducive to the energy levels of a 16-month-old. Another depressing thing about the house wait was that it meant that the movers would have our stuff here before we get a house, meaning that it would all go into storage (more man-handling which usually means more breakage), but what could we do?
Well on Wednesday morning (19 July) about four days after we arived at Vance, Laura got a call from the movers saying that our stuff was in town and they needed to know where to put it. Laura had to tell them to put it into storage. After that conversation Clay came home from in-processing and while Laura was telling him the depressing news, the phone rang again; this time it was housing telling us that a colonel had just called and decided not to live on base, so if we wanted a house right away, we could take it.... We took it. We hurried and called the movers and got them to deliver our stuff. So within a half hour we had a house and had our stuff to go in it. Heavenly Father definitely has a hand in all of our lives.