On Christmas Eve, after having been separated for a week, the Clay Ward Crew was reunited in Idaho, or paradise, as Clay calls it ... however, coming from the Caribbean - Laura had a little different opinion as to what Paradise really was... but, nonetheless we were happy to be together again!
We had our own version of the Christmas story, narrated by Grandpa Stan Ward and enacted by CJ (the shepard), Evan (Joseph), Taylor (Mary), and Maydin (the angel). The kids did a great job. We had to take the picture quick because the costumes didn't stay on long!

Here we are Christmas Morning in our new Christmas PJs. If it looks like we just woke up... well we did! CJ's all perky, I'm not quite sure about Clay and Laura.
Here is the Family...Stan, Amy, Grand dad, Janie, Joslyn, Rhein, Leslie, Josh, Clay, Laura, CJ, Maydin, Kastin, and Kelly. (from left to right, starting with the top row)

Clay was very excited to be in the snow again and couldn't resist hitting the slopes while we were in Idaho. So, Matt (Joslyn's boyfriend), Joslyn, Janie, Dad, Patrick (Clay's long time buddy), and Clay

all went to Pomerelle and skied until they couldn't stand up any more. Thank goodness there were no casualties, well, except for Dad's new camera...oops.