The other night, Preston decided that he wasn't quite done with his bath when he thought he was....however, he didn't decide this until after he had already gotten out of the bathtub, dried off and into PJs. It wasn't until he raced back into the bathroom to find his brother still enjoying the warm water that he decided to climb back in and soak in some more bubbles.....so, the next question you are probably asking yourself is where was the parent when all this was happening? Right behind him, just not fast enough! As soon as the elastic from the PJs hit his little waist, Preston's legs went into motion and he bee-lined for the bathroom (which is right across the hall). By the time mom got her feet under her and up, he was already into the bathroom, and by then it was just mere seconds before he was up and over the side. So, no matter how quick we get, those little legs just seems to be a little quicker..... especially when they are up to mischief! However, Preston has never climbed back in before, he usually just goes back in the bathroom to say hello to brother, or flush the toilet for fun...so when I discovered him back in the tub, I said, "What do you think you are doing?" He just looked up at me like "What? I'm taking a bath, what are you doing?" I couldn't stop laughing. I had to grab the camera and capture the moment! Classic.