For Christmas Eve, we got together with some of our good friends, the Scheel Family. We decided to make Israeli food and have our traditional nativity. The food was good..different, but good, and the nativity was fabulous! Everyone looked great in their costumes! Preston was our sweet star, CJ was the perfect wiseman "who followed the star", Clay was a distinguished shepherd, and Laura was...the donkey, of course. It was quite the production..... it was fun to have more participants than just the four of us... Thanks Scheels for inviting us to spend the evening with you.

Christmas Morning came bright and early in the Ward family household ....yep, those little men were up and running, yes, literally running to the front room at 7am. Laura and Clay had to quickly jump out of bed and intervene the stampede before they experienced the magic of Christmas morning...Laura insisted she grab the camera so we could record the moment. And now we are able to show you, for your viewing pleasure, our wonderful lovely antlers from Joslyn (Thanks, Jo...), the kids (and the adults) loved wearing them around the house! Maybe next year we will be brave enough to wear them out in public!
After a wonderful day of gift exchanging, talking to family, and enjoying the time being together - we decided to hop in the car and head to the Smith's house. We made it to the Dalles, where the icy roads told us, well...more like demanded that we stop for the night. But, we were able to make it all the way the next morning with only a few scratches and bruises. We had a great time being with family, laughing, playing volleyball, dancing, having our first wii lesson, and of course playing Papa's annual family game. Fun times for all