Happy Birthday CJ! He is now a whopping 4! and boy is he excited to tell everyone! He was able to take treats to share with his friends at school....he picked donuts! He was thrilled to go to the store, pick them out and proudly bring them to class with him! Then, for his actual birthday, Papa, Nana and Grandma came to celebrate with us. He got his very own pancakes in the shape of his name, of which he was very proud...and now continually asks to have it again! CJ requested a tractor cake and Taco Bell.....and that is exactly what he got! He invited his little friend Mia to join us at Taco Bell...boy those kids can eat taco bell! CJ ate 4 crispy tacos...yes 4! When we showed up to order we asked what he wanted and he said, "4 hard shell tacos" We said are you sure you can eat all those? He said "I am 4, so I want 4" We said, "Ok...it is your birthday, so whatever you want." And wouldn't you believe it...he ate ALL FOUR! Holy Cow! His little friend Mia kept up pretty well too... she ate 4 cheese rolls! WOW...two peas in a pod!
We can hardly believe that CJ is 4...he is growing up so quickly. CJ is such a great helper around the house. He loves to help mop the floor, cook, and wash dishes. The latter is more of a water war with CJ and the sink...but hey...let's start a good habit, right? CJ has started reading and is excited about his new ability to sound out words. He is very good at sharing with Preston, however, occasionally he gets frustrated with his younger brother and asks if we can get rid of him and get a sister instead! But, all in all..they are good buddies and love to play together! CJ has a sweet personality and says the cutest things. We love his famous response of "I sure did" instead of a simple yes.....it always makes us smile!