
Hey there everybody, we're doing great and spending our days flying, studying, and trying to keep up with CJ, Preston, & Aparri (Mostly trying to keep up with CJ & Preston). We hope that you're doing well and that you'll drop us a line and let us know how you're doing. [ Clay, Laura, CJ,Preston & Aparri ]
By the time we were done it was a multi-room complex complete with bedroom and livingroom, mainly because the boys watched a movie on a portable DVD player(livingroom) and during the movie, Preston fell asleep(bedroom).
This has been a strange winter for us (at least so far) due to the absence of snow over the holidays. Last Christmas we had about three feet of snow, whereas this year we have nothing. We got a few inches in mid-December which promptly melted away, them a few days ago we got a couple inches again, which also melted off quickly. Laura is happy about that since she is about to 'Pop' and would rather not slide off of the road during labor. So we figure that right after this baby comes, we'll get dumped on with a few feet of snow.
The Shepherds