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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time to GET AWAY!

We got some good quality family time in by sneaking away to Coeur D'Alene, ID for a couple of days! It was beautiful weather, gorgeous country, great hotel/resort, and the greatest company..... Here are a couple pictures of the highlights of our little get away! We attempted several hikes with the boys...however, we only accomplished 1 FULL trail....and that one was 1/2 mile! The other trails were steeper and much longer but also full of distractions...such as bushes, logs, water, rocks, bugs, fun plants...and the curious boys that we have - kept stopping to take a peek, throw rocks (which Clay keeps telling me is a normal boy thing...all boys throw rocks! News to me!). So with all the extra "sight seeing" and having to pack Preston for most of the trail, we didn't make a lot of progress before the boys were exhausted and we were forced to turn around and head down the mountain. Clay and Laura have promised that the two of them will go back "kidless" and finish those hikes! Even though we didn't make it far, we all had tons of fun - !

On one of the hikes CJ found a old pair of glasses with the lenses popped out - which became his hiking glasses and then when we were done hiking they became his glasses that made him become just like Papa! He even wanted to sleep in them!

The weather men called for rain and cool weather the whole time we were in Coeur D'Alene, but instead it was sunny, beautiful and semi warm! Perfect hiking and sight seeing weather - we are so blessed!

1 comment:

Derek, Ali, Breck, Jade, Koemi and Carter said...

What a fun trip. You guys are such a cute family!