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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Visiting Santa and the Grinch

We were able to visit Jolly O' Saint Nicholas and The Grinch....our kids LOVE the Grinch...they watch it, quote it, sing it, point out the song when it is on the radio, play pretend with the grinch...but wouldn't you know it that when they had the chance to actually meet the Grinch...they wouldn't go near him with a 39 1/2 foot pole! They sure wouldn't go up and meet him, but we spent the rest of the party watching him from a distance and if he was ever out of eye sight..all we heard was, "Where is the Grinch? Where is the Grinch? Where is the Grinch?" Until we were able to spot him again! The boys atleast went near Santa, but wouldn't talk to the nice man or his wife... goodness...and yes, Aparri had the classic scream reaction to both Santa and the Grinch...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is hilarious!! My boys LOVE the Grinch movie too, but I'd bet anything they'd have the same reaction if they saw him in person.