Since Clay couldn't make it home for Father's day, his family decided to come to him! That's right, the whole Ward Crew bunked up with Daddy in his one room "hotel" for a week...yipee. We had make-shift beds for the boys (the play-n-pack for Preston and a sleeping bag for CJ) however, by morning we all ended up in the same bed. Hey, it's together time, right..quality time with Daddy!

Yes, we were sleeping like this, however, don't be fooled - there was not a fifth person in the room taking pictures! It was Clay and Laura having fun jumping in and out of bed, taking pictures of the funny situation, laughing at themselves, and not waking up the boys! The Adventures we have!

The little men finally stirrin' (and Laura making a funny face) getting ready for another big day in Altus!

CJ catching up on a little bit of Daddy time!

CJ helped Laura make a special Father's Day breakfast in bed for Daddy...toast, bacon and cereal. When you are limited to a only microwave...you have to make do with what you've got! CJ sure enjoyed it, as he ate most of Daddy's breakfast while he was sitting next to him. What can you say?
What a fun Father's Day trip. I hope you all get to be together for reals soon!
So cute!! I absolutely love the pictures of ya'll sleeping in the bed. Too funny!!! And Laura, I'm super impressed at your knowledge of various aircrafts! Your husband should be proud!!! You're amazing....Really!!
O How cute!! That is so funny that ya all stayed in the same bed. You have a very cute family. Well It looked like a blast. Happy Father's Day to Clay!! He's a great guy, we sure enjoyed him as a home teacher, and will always go down in our book as our first home teacher in 4 years of marriage (they are the only ones that have ever come) It was great!! When is Clay done it Altus?? Have a great evening!!
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