Laura was not quite ready for another pet attempt (she is still recovering from her mishaps with the dead fish; for those of you not familiar with that story, oh boy. Well in a nut shell - we thought it would be a clever gift for our 4 year old friend' s birthday to give him some gold fish. Yeah well, Laura ended up killing 7 fish in two weeks. Not all her fault mind you - but the scar still remains! If you want more details check out the Kilgore's blogspot on Zach's birthday) So, long story short.. Laura wasn't too thrilled to meet Clay's new found friend. However, Laura isn't completely without compassion and charity. She let the turtle stay inside overnight, well almost overnight, the turtle got kicked outside in the middle of the night when it woke up both Clay and Laura because it was making too much racket in it's box. The next morning, we took a nice family outing to the duck park where she dove into the pond. We are ALL glad that she is in a happier place...right Clayboy?
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