CJ and Laura went on a date! CJ and Laura talked about what they were going to do on their date for a week...CJ planned where they were going to go, what they were going to do, etc. When the day arrived, both were very excited. First stop was the bookstore! CJ said that he wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles. Laura thought she knew why he wanted to go there...play with the train table...but CJ had a better idea. He walked in, went straight to the display of trains, picked out the yellow tractor looking one...and said, "Ok...I'm ready to go. I want to buy this." Laura just laughed....not only had CJ remembered that toy from a few weeks previous when they had come to Barnes and Nobles, but he planned it out on how he was going to come back and bring it home! Smart man. Next stop was the Spokane Temple. CJ was a little upset when Mom said they couldn't go inside, but they walked the grounds, chatted about the temple, and then went into the lobby....CJ was thrilled. Next stop...Taco Bell! Laura wasn't complaining, she loves Taco Bell too! Finally, the toy store. They looked around, played with several toys, and then left empty handed, but that is ok...the yellow tractor from Barnes and Nobles was waiting in the car! All in all...it was a very successful date. I do believe there will be a second!