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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Preston's TWO!

Trains, Tractors, Motorcycles.....Preston Loves them all! We can't believe our little man is two. Preston adds so much life into our family. Preston's smile is contagious...and makes people laugh where ever we go. He is Mr. Personality....however, his giggles sometimes gets us into trouble. For church today, we had a hard time controlling him...he was totally flirting with this little girl two rows up and was giggling up a storm, and these were not the he, he, laugh under you breath giggles...these were down right laugh- out - loud, cute when you aren't in church giggles. Yes, I am grateful he wasn't screaming or having a tantrum...but, his giggles were also disruptive. As we tried to get him to quiet down...everyone took turns looking...and of course, everyone looking and giving him attention didn't help the problem.....oh no. Attention FED the giggles...oh boy. Got to love Him.


Lisa said...

That cake is incredible!! Laura, did you make that??

Clay Laura CJ Preston and Aparri said...

Thanks! The cake turned out rather nicely! It was a joint effort between Clay and Laura...we each took a part and went for it! We had a lot of fun making it and then a lot more fun trying to keep the Birthday boy from destroying it before we could a picture of it!