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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Kids Day in Spokane

Kids day in Spokane.....brings mixed up mixed emotions....we had a real fun time playing games, seeing Clifford and Aqua duck, playing in the water fountain, riding in the firetruck; but in the midst of all that fun, we also had the worse nightmare. It was amazing all the thins that were set up and geared directly for kids - it was perfect, but with that came lots and lots of kids and their parents. There were people everywhere - and that in turn added to our problems. It is every Mom or Dad's worse nightmare to lose one of your kids...and that is exactly what happened to us at Kids Day. We lost Preston for about 1/2 hour, which felt like an eternity. We frantically searched the park, with a sick feeling in our stomach, scanning the crowd and calling his name. Luckily, a security guard found him crying under a tree and we were all reunited...we are soo grateful that we are together as a and sound at home.

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