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Sunday, March 04, 2012

The CANDLE Cake of Pisa

I think Laura looks forward to the kids' birthday almost as much as they do! When it comes to the is her chance to have some fun in the kitchen with a bit of artistic, crafty, messy fun! She has had requests that range from princesses to garbage trucks - so when CJ's request for a CANDLE cake came through...she was quite puzzled. A candle cake? Yep... after several conversations to make sure that is indeed what he wanted, Laura and CJ came up with a plan and specifications for the cake... tall, white frosting with a blue ribbon of frosting and sprinkles with a big candle and flame on the top...ok. We will see what we can do. Here is the end result.... it turned out pretty good, except, Laura is still trying to figure out how to keep her cakes from falling the end of the night, it was the "leaning candle of Pisa.." but it held up just long enough to blow out the candles and eat...whew... mission accomplished.

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